Imagine a world where dolphins leap through glistening waves, free from harm and suffering. This is the future Action for Dolphins is fighting for. With your help, we can make it a reality.

For over 10 years, we have been at the forefront of marine advocacy, protecting dolphins from threats like the brutal hunts, cruel captivity, deadline shark nets and unsustainable human practices. 

But our work isn’t possible without the unwavering support of compassionate individuals like you. Today, we invite you to consider creating a legacy for dolphins by including Action for Dolphins in your will.

The impact of your gift

You secure the future of our work

Your gift ensures we can continue protecting dolphins from harm for generations to come.

You create a powerful ripple effect

Your generosity inspires others to make a difference, building a wider movement for marine conservation.

You create a legacy for generations

Your kindness means you are part of the change you wish to see in the world.

Meet Pam & Ray

“Years ago when we were on holidays in Russia, we saw a single dolphin in a tiny tank, swimming in endless figure of eight circles. It was absolutely heartbreaking.

We felt so sad that it stayed in our memory more than anything else we saw there, even though we didn’t know much about dolphins then. Keeping dolphins in pools may have been accepted in the past, but now we understand how much these intelligent animals suffer, it is indefensible.

We first learned about Action for Dolphins’ work by reading a news article about the dolphin hunts in Taiji. Action for Dolphins had taken a legal action to stop them, and as a result 62 Japanese aquariums were banned from buying dolphins. This was a huge win and also helped bring attention to the link between marine parks and the cruel dolphin hunts.

Action for Dolphins is a different kind of charity because it not only raises awareness, it also uses the law to create much-needed change. We really liked the fact they tackled the problems of dolphin captivity and dolphin hunting head on. The combination of advocacy, education and strategic legal action is really effective and why we love supporting Action for Dolphins’ work.”

It’s simple to include dolphins in your will

Provide Action for Dolphins’ registered name and our ABN to your solicitor, along with instructions on the type of bequest you would like to leave.

Our details are:

Australia for Dolphins Limited

ABN 61 160 942 174

We recommend you speak to your solicitor so they can ensure your loved ones, and the causes you hold dear, benefit from your will exactly as you wish

Create a free online will

We’ve partnered with Gathered Here to offer our Australian supporters a free online will. You can create your free will on Gathered Here within 10 minutes. By doing so, you can make important preparations for your loved ones and leave a meaningful gift to a cause you care about.

Have you become a member of our dolphin legacy circle? Let us know so we can thank you

Support dolphins in your will today

Your gift, no matter the size, makes a significant impact for dolphins, marine life, and their ocean home. Thank you for fighting for a world where they live wild and free.