Every contribution makes a difference

Thanks to your contribution, we advocate for the protection of dolphins and challenge practices that cause them harm. We work tirelessly on the following issues to change laws, educate the public, and promote institutional changes that lead to safer, healthier lives for dolphins.

Halt the harmful dolphin hunts in Taiji

Break the cycle to end dolphins in captivity

Dolphin caught in shark net

Remove shark nets

End harmful feeding of dolphins

Improve dolphins’ ocean home

The impact of your contribution

amplifies the urgent appeal to end dolphin captivity, reaching policymakers, media outlets, and the public

advocates for the permanent removal of harmful nets

fuels our key campaigns to prevent dolphin suffering and end cruelty to marine life

enables a Japanese local investigator to continue uncovering the secret trade of wild dolphins in Taiji

What our supporters say

We’re lucky to have some of the best supporters on the planet. With their help, we’re making it a safer place for dolphins.

'Thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you do! I will gladly donate to a cause that is actually making a change!!'

Jodi B

‘They are doing great work and the highlight was to sue the hunters of Taiji in court.’

Leotien P

'The dedicated determination of the team to improve the education and therefore the concept people have of marine-life in general, and especially dolphins'

Maureen J

'Love love love this organisation. Great great team. 5/5 without a doubt. Thank you for all you do.'

Melody M

'Always dedicated to the right values and pursues with integrity and conviction. Thank you!'

Michele J

'Superb action against the awful cruelties humans inflict on Dolphins!'

Virginia S

Our achievements

United with thousands of dolphin defenders globally, we've achieved notable milestones in the fight to improve the lives of dolphins. Check out our biggest wins.

Source Action for Dolphins

Ending dolphin captivity in NSW

We’ve successfully outlawed the breeding of dolphins in New South Wales. Also, wild dolphins can’t be imported into New South Wales. This means that Zippy, Bella and Jet – the dolphins currently residing in the marine park called Coffs Coast Wildlife Sanctuary – will be the last generation to live in captivity.

A dolphin is captured mid-leap above the ocean's surface, with water cascading off its body. The background is a calm sea stretching to the horizon under a clear sky. The dolphin's skin glistens in the sunlight, highlighting the grace and agility of these marine mammals.
Source Pagie Page Unsplash

Combatting Taiji dolphin hunts

We tackled the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA) as a way to disrupt the cruel dolphin hunts in Taiji, Japan. Garnering support through legal action and a petition signed by thousands, we persuaded 62 Japanese aquariums under WAZA to stop buying dolphins from Taiji – a groundbreaking achievement!

Close-up of several packages of dolphin meat on display, each labeled with a price tag, in a supermarket setting.
Source Robert Gilhooly

Disrupting the dolphin meat trade

To stop the slaughter of dolphins for meat, we’re taking action against companies peddling dolphin meat. We have already successfully shut down a key supplier of dolphin meat in Japan after our investigation revealed mercury levels in one meat sample were shockingly 97.5 times beyond Japan’s regulatory recommended limit.

Source Abner Abiu Castillo Diaz Unsplash

Saving marine life from shark nets in Ballina

In Ballina, Australia, we championed a campaign against the installation of shark nets. The NSW Government decided against the permanent use of these nets thanks to the loud voice of locals calling for their removal. This saves the lives of countless marine animals passing through these waters.

Source Noah Munivez Pexels

Helped Minjerribah Island’s dolphins

Our dynamic awareness campaign on Minjerribah (North Stradbroke) Island worked wonders – ranges report people are no longer feeding the wild dolphins! And the best part? These dolphins are now safe from being touched and fed by people, are free from social disruptions, and aggression spikes.

Source Sean Oulashin Unsplash

We helped clean our beaches

In our commitment to protect marine life, we’ve initiated beach cleanups. We have removed over 160 kg of trash from local beaches, which is about the same weight as two adult dolphins. This has helped to prevent marine pollution and the resulting harm it can cause to marine creatures.

‘A small Australian group has done what years of vigils, arrests, and even the plea of a Kennedy could not: knock the wind out of Japan’s dolphin hunt’
Andrew Darby, The Sydney Morning Herald